I think Wonder Words is an excellent program. My students are actively engaged in the program and they love learning new High-Frequency Words each week.
It is simple, easy, clear and concise in the delivery modes. Students are engaged and actively involved in literacy games, worksheets and readers. It’s a great program that I would highly recommend. It has allowed my kids to be self-directed learners. I absolutely love the program and can’t wait to use it again next year.
Kristel Smith, Teacher – Foundation, Hinton Public School, NSW
I have only been using wonder words a short time and can see the benefit of the design in meeting the needs of all learners within a class. Because each group of words and corresponding activities is self-contained, a teacher can have their class working on different sets of words at the same time. With the range of activities for each set of words, you can mix and match different activities to keep them interested and engaged.
Helen Ciranni, Teacher – Prep-3, QLD
Wonder Words is easy to use and the students love it!
Stacey Bourke, Teacher - Year 2, NSW
Our Head of Special Education recommended Wonder Words. It’s good to have printable, web based resources. It’s an easy program to pick up and run with. Give it a go!
Tina, Teacher - Special Education, Victoria Park State School, QLD
My students achieved Independent reading of early reader texts, the ability to sound out new words and achieve success in reading. It builds confidence that they can do it! They are achieving from the first week they begin Wonder Words and remain engaged throughout the program. My students loved learning with Wonder Words so much that they would begin their work before I had even asked them to!!
Wonder Words has allowed even my weakest students to find success in reading.
I had 3 boys and 1 girl in the program. The boys had fine motor issues, so tracing and colouring strengthened their hands. One boy has possible dyslexia, so flash cards with segmented sounds allowed him ease in sounding out, and boosted his sight word bank. The girl had low confidence, but her attitude to learning and the easily decodable DIY books had her advance very quickly. I found that the program made it easy for me to differentiate, keep track of levels, and students knew the routine and could become self-sufficient in starting their activities.
Students felt the success after the first week. Being able to read the mini-books meant students could read their own books immediately.
This is ready-made, engaging, assessment ready, easy to monitor and follows the progression of sounds. Guaranteed success!
Kate Jackman, Teacher - Year 1, Rockingham Lakes Primary School, WA
Wonder Words has been such a great resource for my class. I have been able to easily adapt it to suit my class and it fits in with the other spelling resources we use. Not only does it allow for easy differentiation, but also covers many High-Frequency Words, while using fun games and books for students to use. It allows you to teach High-Frequency Words and reading all in one. Great resources, especially books that allows kids to use and understand the words in context. My students know how far they have progressed and they are only 5! They are so proud of their achievements and so am I. Thanks Wonder Words!
Brittney Smith, Teacher – Foundation, QLD
The Wonder Words program is a fantastic resource for the classroom and at home. I was struggling to find resources that matched the words my students were learning to the books they were reading. New words that they had not already learnt was a major problem. I found that I could use the program to differentiate for and extend students who were doing well with their High-Frequency Words and also support those who were struggling. I made individualised spelling lists for students and use the worksheet to support student learning.
Vanessa Foreman, Teacher – Foundation, Pilton State School, QLD
Wonder Words is great value for money that is easy to use and easy to implement with any existing program. Students love the activities that are quick and fun. The worksheet activities are fun and need very little preparation, as you just need to print them. I use reusable plastic sleeves and place the worksheets in them for the students to use with whiteboard pens. They also love the interactive books with the High-Frequency Words in them. No more searching for texts that target specific High-Frequency Words.
Karren Ban, Teacher – Year 1, QLD
Wonder Words is an effective, fun way to teach High-Frequency Words. It is comprehensive and assessment is on a three weekly basis. This provides an opportunity to concentrate on words students have not identified yet. It’s effective and user friendly. It is a systematic approach to learning sight words. My Kindergarten students love this program.
Jo Munro, Teacher – LaST, Mayfield East Public School, NSW